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Starfish Class

A day in the life of a Starfish
Starfish start their days with the routine of entering their classroom and hanging up their belongings. They spend some free play time with their friends before starting morning meeting followed by morning snack. When the weather is nice you can find them making the most of our outdoor space. A combo of indoor & outdoor learning centers as well as lots of outdoor play time is the name of the game!
Year in a glance...
September- Back to School / Apples
Letters A, B & C
Octoboer- Fall / Halloween
Letters D, E & F
November- Fall / Thanksgiving
Letters G, H & I
December- Hot & Cold / Holiday Magic
Letters J, K & L
January- Winter / Snow & Ice
Letters M, N & O
February- Valentine's Day / Dental Health
Letters P, Q & R
March- St. Patricks Day / Easter
Letters S, T & U
April- Spring / Weather
Letters V, W & X
May- All About ABC Review
Letters Y & Z
June- Summer fun!